Astrology - the Soul's Journey to Itself -
"Welcome to the Course - a journey introducing you to the beauty and wisdom of astrology. What is the soul's journey and how can a natal birth horoscope give you insights to the inner core of someone's life, even to past incarnations revealing why the person is the way the person is, and where to focus on in this incarnation to align with the soul's intension?
This newly produced online course offers each viewer deep, enriching insights and understanding - not only of the very basics but even more so to the vital archetypes, their keywords and -dynamics, taught by Ulrich Bold in his clear, understandable, holistic ways.
This course offers you the most efficient technique of how to "create meaningful statements" translating the symbolism in any given chart into deep, meaningful sentences. Additionally, one will learn the magnificent powerful step-by-step outline of how to read past lives' dynamics in the birth horoscope.
Therefore, this course is not only for beginners, enabling them to become a great practitioner, but also for skilled and even professional astrologers, inviting them to deepen their skills and application of astrology in service.
During and after attending the course, you can join Facebook groups tailored for your understanding, so that you can have upcoming questions be answered and experiences shared, for you to have the best support to become the BEST.
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>>>please, click here to see all the tutorial astro videos listed with samples >>>
or visit Ulrich Bold on